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So far Harry Lieferink has created 17 blog entries.

Analytics in Freshservice – Enabling Powerful Insights for the Service Desk


Written by Sanjeev NC on May 29, 2018 Service desk leaders are struggling with data today. It’s not because they don’t have data; it’s because they can’t draw meaningful insights from it. We realised something important in conversations with our customers.   Currently, they are dependant on expensive BI tools to build a report they want. BI tools [...]

Analytics in Freshservice – Enabling Powerful Insights for the Service Desk2019-06-18T12:08:47+02:00

Gartner analysts quote about the failure of SAM projects


Gartner analysts have been quoting a startling statistic - that 75% of SAM projects are over budget and do not meet their basic objectives.  Why is this happening?  We believe that the approach many projects take is the reason for these failures.  Many SAM projects start by using existing IT operations tools, such as Microsoft's SCCM, BMC's ADDM, IBM's BigFix for their [...]

Gartner analysts quote about the failure of SAM projects2019-06-04T11:52:36+02:00

Using IT Asset Management to Help Manage Technology Risk


Written by Arvind on September 28, 2018 In modern digital businesses, technology plays a critical role in enabling competitive advantage, operational effectiveness and company success – but that also means that it is a big source of risk.  As the technology dependency grows, managing that risk becomes more critical than ever. IT Asset Management (ITAM) can be an [...]

Using IT Asset Management to Help Manage Technology Risk2018-10-04T21:31:58+02:00

Fileless Network Protection


Fileless network protection is a key element to device security and an important part of a layered security strategy. The days of protecting yourself from bad actors using a single AntiVirus (AV) solution are behind us. Attackers can easily avoid detection from signature based software. We discuss just a few of the techniques commonly employed by cyber [...]

Fileless Network Protection2018-05-08T13:44:54+02:00

Cryptocurrency Mining Protection


Cryptocurrency Mining Protection Cryptocurrency mining is the latest trend in hacking (also called Cryptojacking) where code is injected into web sites and is used to hijack the users’ CPU to mine cryptocurrency. This has been driven by a boom in the value of cryptocoins in general and is a way for hackers to make money. It is [...]

Cryptocurrency Mining Protection2018-03-29T13:57:24+02:00

Belarc on Gartner Peer Insights


Belarc announces it has received reviews on Gartner Peer Insights for its Software Asset Management Tools. Belarc has an Overall Rating of 4.8 out of 5.0 (5 ratings) as of 5 January 2018. Belarc believes that the reviews validate its tool’s ease of implementation, completeness of product features and excellent customer support. For the complete Belarc [...]

Belarc on Gartner Peer Insights2018-02-13T17:22:11+01:00

How to protect yourself from the Equifax data breach


How to protect yourself from the Equifax data breach Equifax has reported that hackers compromised data for up to 143 million US consumers, including Social Security numbers and driver’s license numbers. Equifax is one of the 3 main consumer credit reporting agencies in the US together with TransUnion and Experian. As a result of this breach [...]

How to protect yourself from the Equifax data breach2017-09-08T21:14:40+02:00

Identity Theft and your right to Privacy in a Democracy


In a shape of things to come and a follow on effect from Apple removing VPN apps from the App Store in China last week, Russia has just signed into a law a similar ban which takes effect on Nov 1. We expect this will spread to other countries very quickly. While there is no surprise [...]

Identity Theft and your right to Privacy in a Democracy2017-08-21T15:49:20+02:00

Petya cyberattack hits Europe and is quickly spreading


On the heels of the recent WannaCry attack, Europe has been hit with a new ransomware variant known as Petya. Ukraine reported ransom demands targeting the government and key infrastructure, and the Danish Maersk conglomerate said many of its systems were down. This ransomware uses both social engineering via email to download the malicious file, either as a ZIP [...]

Petya cyberattack hits Europe and is quickly spreading2017-06-28T09:28:02+02:00

WannaCry Ransomware and the NHS attack


WannaCry Ransomware and the NHS attack Users running BlackFog are already protected from this ransomware. BlackFog has been designed to target a range of ransomware just like this and prevent the activation and spread across your internal network by preventing outbound traffic to foreign networks and through execution prevention on your local machine. With [...]

WannaCry Ransomware and the NHS attack2017-05-18T14:30:23+02:00


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